Hebrews 12:1-2 If you are a believer in Jesus Christ as your Savior, one day you will lay down your crowns at His feet when He is Crowned Lord of All. The time for winning the race is now. He will renew your strength as you wait upon Him.

Ruth 2:11-12 Ruth was a humble, hard-working woman who cared for her mother-in- law. Her beautiful spirit made her attractive to those around her, resulting in her marrying into the lineage of the Messiah. Much can be learned from her attitude and behavior.


Isaiah 58:13-14 The Bible clearly teaches that God commanded man to keep the Sabbath holy, but today, it has become common for man to profane the Sabbath.

2 Corinthians 5:17

We must be born again and it is much more than just repeating the words of a vow. It is a divine thing. What man cannot do for himself God does thru the washing away of our sins by the Blood of the Lamb and the regeneration of the Holy Spirit.

Scourging was a form of punishment prescribed by the Mosaic Law for a variety of offences. These offences and the scripture verses pertaining to them are presented in this sermon.


Hebrews 12:17 The fields are white, and it is the Harvest Time of souls. The Lord Jesus came to forgive sin, heal the sick and mend the broken hearted. We owe our lives to Him.

Luke 1:74-75 Let us give ourselves wholly to Christ for this deeper work of grace to be wrought in us. Thus making us truly ready for the rapture, the second coming of Christ.

Isaiah 53 Jesus of Nazareth is saying 'COME UNTO ME'! For our souls to be saved, we need the Savior to atone for our sin and give us Victory over sin’s power. 'IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE, BUT ETERNITY IS IN IT'.

Luke 16:19-31 Jesus of Nazareth is saying 'COME UNTO ME'! For our souls to be saved, we need the Savior to atone for our sin and give us Victory over sin’s power. 'IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE, BUT ETERNITY IS IN IT'.

Hebrews 9:27 Jesus of Nazareth is saying 'COME UNTO ME'! For our souls to be saved, we need the Savior to atone for our sin and give us Victory over sin’s power. 'IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE, BUT ETERNITY IS IN IT'.

Exodus 33:14-16 God has manifested His Presence to many throughout biblical history, but there are certain conditions that must be met. Do you know what they are?


Isaiah 1:22a Through the prophet Isaiah, God communicated His great displeasure with the sinful ways in which His people were living, and the ultimate consequences of their living in sin. Are any of these activities in your life?


Hebrews 12:1-2 Let us never rest until our Good is Better and Our Better is Best.

Isaiah 1:6 This short sermon gives illustrates the life long consequence of sin.


2 Corinthians 8:9

For you know the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.  That is why He sent the Blessed Holy Spirit.

Mark 14:41 Be about the Master’s Business with a sincere willingness to do His Will in all things. The sleeping church is where the foolish virgins who found the door closed and missed The Rapture.


Song of Solomon When Christ is All in All, then He bestows His all, in all. Unrestrained and unreserved Love and devotion to Christ is what He requires.


Job 35:10 Although there is sorrow and tribulation in this life, it is God Who gives songs in the night. Only those with broken hearts who give their hearts to Him can sing songs in the darkest hours of life.

Galatians 2:16 Each of us is either under the Wrath of God or saved by the Blood of Jesus. Contrary to the opinion of many - everyone is NOT a child of God, for God's qualifications to be a child of God are sure and fixed in Heaven.

1 Samuel 16:12 God looks at the heart to determine who He will raise up to accomplish mighty deeds. David was one of those He had chosen. God is still looking for those who will not walk after the flesh, but in the power of the anointing.


Galatians 6:7-8 Sew a thought and reap a word. Sew a word and reap a deed. Sow a deed and reap a character. Sew a character and reap a destiny. What is your destiny?

Isaiah 8:20 This short, 1 page sermon, warns against involvement with those dabbling in the occult who speak familiar spirits and bring false, damnable doctrines into the church and the lives of Christians.


Isaiah 45:11 God’s Word is powerful — He spoke the Word, and the world was created.  By the Word, men have been healed, delivered, and set free from bondages.  Is the Word dwelling in your heart so you can speak it forth, accomplishing God’s purposes?

Satanism, witchcraft and the occult are on the rise.  Some of these practices may appear harmless and can therefore easily gain entrance into our homes and lives.  This sermon lists and defines over 100 such activities.  The Bible warns we are not to be ignorant of the enemy’s tactics, because when it comes to our eternal soul ignorance is not bliss. 


Mark 3:1, 5 May the Church stretch forth the withered hand and take a firm hold of God’s Promises like Jacob who clung to God, like Moses’ uplifted hands held a rod of authority and Samson’s hand mighty in battle.

Exodus 35:1-3 God strictly commanded the Children of Israel to observe the Sabbath so they could rest from their labors and spend time with Him. The people willingly contributed their time, talents, and possessions to build and maintain the sanctuary in which God dwelt. What are the lessons for us today?


Numbers 18:12 Everything we own and around us — even the very air we breathe belongs to God. God puts a claim upon each person to give back to Him the first fruits (tithes and offerings) of his possessions, obedience which will determine whether he will receive God’s blessings or a curse.

Daniel 12:1 God is a man of war Who knows how to bring down the haughty and the arrogant and bring worldwide compassion for Israel. Nation shall rise against Nation. God knows the end from the beginning. He knows you. Will you turn to His Word, trust in His promise, and take His precious Son as your Saviour?


James 1:27 We are to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice? Love the lost, show kindness, be a friend to all.

Ecclesiastes 5:2 The loss of spiritual power often comes from becoming too loose with our tongues. The tongue is located in a very wet place and is liable to slip. Therefore, God gave it a double safety lock, namely a set of teeth and a pair of lips to keep it in check.


Ecclesiastes 5:3 To walk in the Spirit we must avoid talking for talk’s sake, or merely to entertain. To speak effectively we must speak in God’s appointed time and in harmony with the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Psalms 56:8 No tears, no souls. What demon of Hell has crept into the church and hardened the heart of the Saints? Tears in God’s Bottle – when filled with tears from Zion’s travailing – will produce sons and daughters in God’s family.


Proverbs 23:23a We are kept by the power of God through faith. It is not what we can do, but what Christ has done that keeps us going. God is in His Word, and when His Word is in us so is Jehovah.

Exodus 20:2-17 God gave 'The Law' to Moses for our protection. Jesus came and fulfilled the law with grace and The Law is expanded in the New Testament.


Mark 4:10, 13 The Holy Bible is God’s Word to bring man into 'The Kingdom of God' and out of the Kingdom of this world. The Bible helps us to have the mind of Christ and leads us to be filled with the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. The Holy Spirit is our teacher and the power of God that enables us to overcome the world, sin and the devil as well as pride, prejudice and wrong attitudes. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.


James 1:13 God loves the World and it grieves His Heart when sinners die without being saved. Choose to serve Him today. The Spirit and The Bride say, 'Come', and take the Water of Life freely.

The Bride of Christ, who has long beheld and been wooed by Christ, now delivers a discourse concerning her wonderful Lord. After describing Him from head to foot, she summarizes all by saying…He is Altogether Lovely. Without Him, every soul outside of Christ is missing the greatest part of his life.

Isaiah 9:6-7a Jesus Christ fulfilled the long-awaited prophecy of a coming Messiah.  The Names given to Him in Isaiah 9:6 give us a glimpse of just how wonderful He truly is.

Matthew 2:2 Have you received Jesus as your personal Savior?

Matthew 5:3-12 The meaning of 'Blessed' is Happiness at its Highest level, Happiness in its noblest form. It is Happiness derived from Holiness of Heart. It is obtained by walking up nine spiritual steps which lead to the top. You will be amazed to find Who God chooses to become the happiest people on earth. Learn the secret to living The Blessed Life and how to live it. Learn how to enter into the Blessedness of a Pure Heart.

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