Exodus 12:12-13 This sermon explains what the Lord meant when He said the blood on the doorpost of the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt would be a token which would protect them from the plague of the death of the first born.


Exodus 12:13 This sermon explains what the word 'Token' means and provides scriptural references of where and how it is used in the Bible.

Exodus 12:13 The Shedding of the Blood of Jesus - the Lamb of God - on the Cross made atonement for the sin of mankind, but the blood must be applied. Without the blood, no one can be saved.


John 4:35-36 Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest: behold, I say unto you. Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. And he that reapeth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.' This course consists of 19 lessons uncovering 'hidden mysteries' about the Rapture of the Church and the Tribulation.

Ruth 2:3-4 This study depicts how Boaz was a type of Christ — the Lord of the Harvest and Kinsman Redeemer of mankind, and the soon-to-be Bridegroom.


Isaiah 28-33 This short sermon asks penetrating questions based on Isaiah 28 - 32 that can be used to direct a Bible study or prepare a sermon, making it relative to the times in which we live.


Ruth 1:16-17 The story of Ruth beautifully depicts how faith in the True God, as seen in the life of Naomi — can influence those around them, helping them move into the destiny God has for them.

Galatians 2:20 The Old Man and the New Man explained, what does it mean to 'put off' and to 'put on'? The Crucified Life is explained in this study - blessings follow obedience.

2 Timothy 2:3 The believer is presented as a servant who does not strive or fight or argue but is gentle to all people, capable of teaching, patient, and meekly instructs those in spiritual conflict. The weapons of our warfare [spiritual battle] are not carnal [in our own power], but mighty thru God for the pulling down of strongholds.

Matthew 5:15 The Christian’s Light is supposed to be visible anywhere and everywhere at all times.

Judges 16:4 Love is a powerful emotion that can cause a person to go to the extreme for the one he loves. The object of one’s love can be a gateway to Heaven or Hell. Who or what is the object of your love?

Titus 2:1-12 The only way to tell a true Christian is by the fruit of the Holy Spirit which is displayed in the everyday life that a Christian lives. I don't care how many works of grace a Christian claims to have? One can speak so loudly that the world can't hear what one says. Others look at the Christian's walk through life, relying less on their talk.

Revelation 3:14-20 Jesus warns about the danger of Lukewarmness in the Laodicean church. What are its signs and symptoms, and how can you avoid it?

Romans 6:23 The Son of God was sent to Earth from Heaven to save us from the penalty of our sins. So why is it that our sins are so bad in the sight of God and how do they harm us? There are perfectly clear answers in The Consequences of Sinning. No one should be without this understanding.


Genesis 2:21 While Adam slept, God was creating from his wounded side a wife who was part of himself, and he paid for her by the shedding of blood. This is a beautiful story concerning Christ and the church. Adam is a picture of Jesus and Eve is a type of the Bride of Christ.

Luke 9:23-24

Gives an awesome opportunity to willingly be crucified with Christ by putting off 'The Old Man' - our carnal selves – and putting on 'The New Man' which is created in righteousness and holiness. It is a message of victory not defeat. Ephesians 4:24, Colossians 3:10

James 4:11 Our words convey our spirit, whether bad or good. When the tongue is witnessing for Christ, it is more important than all our members put together. Death and Life are in the power of the tongue.

Judges 5:23 The Book of Judges details Israel’s failure to drive the Canaanites out of the land, causing them to fall into sin and idolatry. Likewise, indifference and idleness in the Church toward God’s Word has caused many to slip into sin and go down in defeat.


Isaiah 36-37 This contains a series of thought-provoking questions on Isaiah 36 and 37 which cover the historical background of Isaiah’s time that can be used for a Bible study or for preparing a sermon.


John 2:10 There is no such thing as Faith without action. Faith does not argue or reason, it obeys. When they had no more wine at the wedding in Cana, Mary told Jesus and He said, 'What have I to do with thee?' Mary said to the servants, 'Whatever He saith unto you, do it.' He is saying to us, 'Whatever the Holy Spirit says do – just do it.' Faith without works is dead. He is still the miracle working Jesus Who turned water into wine.

Judges 16:22 Jesus is the Good Shepherd, even if you have backslidden and gone astray due to willful disobedience. The Goodness of God leads to repentance, and He will restore the backslider who repents and comes back to Him.


1 Corinthians The Holy Spirit is a person. Only a person can guide, lead, teach, intercede, glorify Jesus Christ, seal believers, or be grieved, resisted or be quenched. Being a Spirit, He takes up residence in the human heart.

This study contains questions and scriptures pointing to the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross as recorded in Isaiah 52:13-15, Isaiah 53, as well as in the New Testament. It is an excellent basis for preparing a sermon, a bible study, and inspiration.


2 Peter 3:1-13 Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new.

Revelation This study lists the events that occurred in the beginning of time as recorded in Genesis, as well as the events that will occur in the end of time, as recorded in Revelation.

Genesis 3:1-6 It is the devil’s joy to make sin fascinating. Satan is out to wreck and ruin your life. He does not care who he uses as long as he can get you to look and become fascinated. He has glamorized sin to make us morally blind. We must 'Put on the Whole Armour of God, that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil'. It is the Word of God that keeps us from sin.

Matthew 6:9 Have you come out of the kingdom of darkness and into The Kingdom of His Dear Son?

Luke 2:45-46 We need to seek Christ while He can still be found.  This sermon reminds us that it is we who are lost until we find Him.  


Genesis 3:24 All that God created and made was for our happiness. Christ came to bring Peace on Earth and Goodwill to men, but sin drove us away from HIM. God has provided a FLAMING SWORD which is THE WORD OF GOD to guide and protect our way back to the Tree of Life and His very Presence. THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE SAY COME.


Galatians 5:17-21 What does the concept of 'the flesh' mean? How does God view the struggle man has between the flesh and the spirit?

Galatians 5:22 How is the Joy which God's gifts so much greater than what our minds see as joy? God actually offers 9 fruit of His Spirit, Joy being one of them. What are the benefits of having His Joy in our life?

Exodus 40:34-38 If we follow God’s commandments, walking in the complete redemption provided by Jesus death on the Cross, we can enjoy His healing virtue. He was wounded for our transgression He was bruised for our inequities. The prayer of Faith shall heal the sick and the Lord shall raise them up. To maintain spiritual and physical health, we must be in constant contact with the source of our supply.

Matthew 25:31-32 There are only two classes of people, the wise and the good, the evil and the foolish.

Luke 10:30 Sins of omission are more serious than the sins of commission and more common. Jesus said, what we have done for others we have done unto Him.

1 Thessalonians 4:16 When Jesus returns for His faithful People, they will be caught up by the thousands (up into the sky and into Heaven) in the twinkling of an eye. Every redeemed Blood washed person of every race, color & denomination who is clothed in the robe of righteousness will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

Psalms 19:11b There are great rewards in keeping His Commandments and the rewards are indisputable. He is not unrighteous to forget the least act of Spirit-wrought obedience. The hundredfold return according to Mark 10:30.


Romans 6:23 Instead of Purity there is Impurity - Instead of Beauty there is Deformity, Instead of Truth there is Falsehood - Instead of Mercy there is Cruelty - Instead of Justice there is Lying and Cheating - instead of the Light of God's Truth there is Spiritual Darkness - Instead of Eternal Life there is Eternal Death. May this nation come into Moral conformity to God's Will and BE HOLY AS HE IS HOLY.

1 John 5:12 Seek ye first The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and All these things shall be added unto you! He that hath The Son of God has life, and he that has not The Son shall not see life. The Gospel is good news that you can have the forgiveness of sins, peace in your lonely soul and a brand-new life in Christ Jesus.

John 1:51 Jesus is the one and only ladder or way to Heaven. We are to follow Jesus one step at a time. Step one up that ladder REPENT, step 2 BELIEVE, step 3 RECEIVE Him into your heart, step 4 CONVERT, step 5 BE BAPTISED, step 6 OBEY HIS WORD, step 7 BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, step 8 DON’T LOOK BACK just follow in His footsteps up the Heaven-sent ladder.

2 Timothy 4:8 Is your future outlook to know this God Who is infinite? To trade your Rags for Riches, your Suffering for Satins, your Sobs for Songs of Deliverance, Your Hardships for Hallelujahs. God Loves You. He Cares . . . say 'Yes' to the robe of righteousness and become His Bride today!

Luke 24:25-27

The Holy Bible is the oldest, most important book in the world. It has been banished and burned but not destroyed. The Bible is God’s Word and it is Truth. It is the Armor of God against evil and the evil one. Prayer is us talking to God and The Bible is God talking to us. Every Word is God breathed. Let us love His Holy Word and give it first place in our lives.

Isaiah 49-50 This is a study guide about the mission and ministry of Jesus, the Messiah, as prophesied in Isaiah Chapters 49 and 50.


Acts 1:8

The Holy Spirit is the third person of The Godhead and gives us the needed power to overcome Sin, the Flesh, and the devil. The Holy Spirit comes with many Gifts and Fruits.

Psalms 127:1 God’s house must be filled with His Spirit’s power. Godly men – true ministers of the Gospel – are working with Divine truths and are building up spiritual edifices for eternity. Are you His house? Then you truly belong to the Lord. If Christ, the Hope of Glory, is not IN you, then you are lost.


Nehemiah 2:10 This account of Nehemiah discusses 10 essential steps that must be followed to successfully carry out the Great Commission. It is also a powerful strategy that will help every believer overcomer the ongoing spiritual warfare of this world.

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