1 Chronicles 29:17 God takes pleasure in giving redemption, prosperity, the Kingdom, and other pleasures to those that fear Him and walk uprightly, but takes no pleasure in the wicked, the fool, or the unrighteous. The life of Samson is given as an illustration.


Joshua 13:1|Joshua 18:3 There are many rewards for us when we fight spiritual battles, yet too many Christians are indifferent and unwilling to press through spiritual conflicts and temptations. We will only have the Lord’s blessings if we go after them.

Isaiah 46 - 48 This provides a list of questions on Isaiah, chapters 46 - 48, which can be used as the basis for a Bible Study or for the preparation of a sermon or teaching.  The theme of these chapters is: The Incomparable Power of God, The absurdity of Idols, Judgment on Babylon, and Controversy with Israel. 

Mark 9:28 The devil came to steal, kill & destroy, but Jesus came that we may have life more abundantly.

Mark 11:24 When we ask our Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus, according to His Will praying His Word, the answers are limitless. We are Blessed and God is Glorified.

1 Samuel 12:23 Prayerlesness is a sin which allows other sins to enter and dominate one's life. It then leads to a state of alienation from God.   Without prayer, we are weak, powerless, and break God’s heart.

Isaiah 57:15 This sermon discusses what a Holy Ghost Revival is, the importance of humility and a contrite heart as prerequisites for Revival, and how you can prepare for revival.


1 Thessalonians 5:23 It is God's blessed Will, purpose and decree that the Christian who is walking in Him should be victorious in every conflict. We must cease from our self-will in everything, seeking only His Perfect Will. We are totally dependent on God to help us grow stronger and richer in spirit every-day, either pickled so sour or preserved so sweet that we will not spoil.

2 Corinthians 1:8-9 If we have any stability it must come through taking grace and strength from God and resisting evil. We are to Love God and Hate Evil. Lift your vision and walk with the One Who is God, the One Who is more than enough. HE is El Shaddai -The God of Plenty. The ALL Sufficient One…HE is God Almighty.

Mark 7:21-22 Pride caused Lucifer to fall, and it will also cause us to fall.  No one is immune from it, and we must guard against it.  Only God can deliver us from pride. 


Mark 8:34-37 As we follow the Golden Rule, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' - while denying self and proclaiming Christ, it is to our Profit and satan’s Loss.

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