Messages |
Mark 12:34 To be in Church is NOT to be in Christ. Unless a man is in Christ, he is lost. |
Mark 11:12-14 Lord grant us the true gifts of the Spirit so our lives can count for God and benefit others. SHARE NOW |
Mark 14:54 When we fall short of God’s Glory, He teaches us the way to go and guides us with His eyes. |
Mark 12:41-44 Jesus believed He could meet God in the spiritually impoverished Church and He gave something that changed the atmosphere! Will you allow Christ in you to do the same today? Go to Give, Not to Get. |
Mark 5:9 Jesus does not see us as others see us. He sees deeper and speaks to the satanic powers that oppress us. He anoints us with the Holy Spirit to heal the broken hearted and let those who are oppressed go free. |
Mark 15:43-46 Our bodies are precious to God and deserve an Honorable Burial especially for those who have lived an honorable life. God provided a Joseph for Israel, a Joseph for Jesus’ earthly Father, and Joseph a friend at the death of His only begotten Son, Jesus. |
Mark 5:1 Education without Christ only makes men clever devils that can be worse than demons. |
Mark 9:28 The devil came to steal, kill & destroy, but Jesus came that we may have life more abundantly. |
Mark 11:24 When we ask our Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus, according to His Will praying His Word, the answers are limitless. We are Blessed and God is Glorified. |
Mark 7:21-22 Pride caused Lucifer to fall, and it will also cause us to fall. No one is immune from it, and we must guard against it. Only God can deliver us from pride. SHARE NOW |
Mark 8:34-37 As we follow the Golden Rule, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' - while denying self and proclaiming Christ, it is to our Profit and satan’s Loss. |
Mark 2:3 Oh, that churches would be FULL GOSPEL, to heal the sick and save the lost. Our church invited people to be healed reading James 5:14-15 immediately after Worship and the altar would be full. Sin is the greatest sickness in the world and many were healed and forgiven at that time….according to THE WORD. |
Mark 14:41 Be about the Master’s Business with a sincere willingness to do His Will in all things. The sleeping church is where the foolish virgins who found the door closed and missed The Rapture. |
Mark 3:1, 5 May the Church stretch forth the withered hand and take a firm hold of God’s Promises like Jacob who clung to God, like Moses’ uplifted hands held a rod of authority and Samson’s hand mighty in battle. |
Mark 4:10, 13 The Holy Bible is God’s Word to bring man into 'The Kingdom of God' and out of the Kingdom of this world. The Bible helps us to have the mind of Christ and leads us to be filled with the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. The Holy Spirit is our teacher and the power of God that enables us to overcome the world, sin and the devil as well as pride, prejudice and wrong attitudes. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. SHARE NOW |
Mark 10:35-40 Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Live a crucified life. Put God first, others and then you |
Mark 2:16-17 Earnestly, Tenderly, Jesus is calling saying, 'Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.' |
Mark 16:16 Only those who believe in their heart that Jesus is the Son of God and act upon it are saved. To be lost is to hear the Gospel and refuse to believe and receive it. |
Mark 10:26 Anyone can be saved who will take the sinners place and cry out, 'God be merciful to me a sinner, and save me for Jesus’ sake.' |