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Joshua 6:3-5
This sermon presents examples of those who continued pressing on as they waited for the fulfillment of God’s Promises, and those who stopped short. Abraham birthed an Ishmael, while Joshua and Caleb entered the Promised Land. Learn from these people and others.


Psalms 56:8
No tears, no souls. What demon of Hell has crept into the church and hardened the heart of the Saints? Tears in God’s Bottle – when filled with tears from Zion’s travailing – will produce sons and daughters in God’s family.


The Bride of Christ, who has long beheld and been wooed by Christ, now delivers a discourse concerning her wonderful Lord. After describing Him from head to foot, she summarizes all by saying…He is Altogether Lovely. Without Him, every soul outside of Christ is missing the greatest part of his life.

Isaiah 44-45
God’s desire to bless has never changed, but like Israel, many bow down to images made by hands rather than trusting the Omniscient God.  What idols might be in your life? 


Isa 53 V 10
Throughout history, many have blamed the Jews or the evil Roman government for the death of Jesus.  However, the scriptures clearly state that it was the Father Who gave Jesus to be a sin offering in order that mankind would be reconciled back to Him.


This study contains questions and scriptures pointing to the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross as recorded in Isaiah 52:13-15, Isaiah 53, as well as in the New Testament. It is an excellent basis for preparing a sermon, a bible study, and inspiration.


Romans 12:2
All heart and no head? God forbid! The world reveals its ways, while God reveals His ways. We need Divine revelation from a Divine teacher. He is the Truth teller, we are to be the Truth seeker - what better way than through God's truth written in the Bible.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Paul's total battle was spiritual. That is why he used the word 'Messenger of satan' 188 times and 'Angel Messenger' 181 times. It is no wonder that Paul suffered disease and sickness in his natural body, but when he was weakest then God was strong in him and God received the Glory.

James 3:8
Only God is able to tame man's tongue by the regeneration of the heart and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He will purify the fountain of Life enabling man to speak the truth in Love.

Our wonderful Lord would never tell us to be ready, to Watch -- Wait -- Look – Be Ready for His Coming if He never intended to come again. There is a great spirit of revival moving across the country. MARANATHA - 'Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Throughout history, God has put His Words in the mouth of His prophets and preachers.

1 John 1:9
God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the Cross for the sin of the world. Those who confess and repent of their sin will be forgiven, for this is His promise which He is Faithful to keep

Mark 15:43-46
Our bodies are precious to God and deserve an Honorable Burial especially for those who have lived an honorable life. God provided a Joseph for Israel, a Joseph for Jesus’ earthly Father, and Joseph a friend at the death of His only begotten Son, Jesus.

John 13:34-35
Love is the greatest health restorer and rebuilder of the human body. Divine love is the supreme mental and physical health builder. This type of love casts out fear and mental and physical health destroyers. This love is the positive test of whether we know God or not. This love is superior to all spiritual gifts, as great as they are. This Love is placed next door to a sound mind.

Isaiah 52:13-15

The final question: It had to be solved about Jesus Christ being the Messiah, the Righteous Servant of Jehovah. He was indeed and we call him ? ?The Lord our Righteoousness?.

Exodus 12:13
This sermon explains what the word 'Token' means and provides scriptural references of where and how it is used in the Bible.

Ephesians 5:16

There are 86,400 seconds in a day.? We cannot save them to use tomorrow, nor can we retrieve them from yesterday.? Many people live in their ?Yesterdays?, or stress about their ?Tomorrows? while forgetting the great value of ?Today?. Where do you live?

Isaiah 7:14
The virgin birth of Jesus Christ has been the subject of much controversy in both the secular and religious worlds. Beware, for salvation of one's soul hinges upon this very belief.

Matthew 5:3-12
The meaning of 'Blessed' is Happiness at its Highest level, Happiness in its noblest form. It is Happiness derived from Holiness of Heart. It is obtained by walking up nine spiritual steps which lead to the top. You will be amazed to find Who God chooses to become the happiest people on earth. Learn the secret to living The Blessed Life and how to live it. Learn how to enter into the Blessedness of a Pure Heart.

Revelation 1-4
A Prophetic message describing the astonishing conditions of His Bride in each of the seven churches just prior to His Return. Christ’s precise pattern of administration to the Seven Churches is Commendation, Reproofs, Commands, Warnings, Promises and Admonitions. Christ does not condone, cover up, excuse or justify sin in His saints. He holds each of us accountable in our conduct. He loves righteousness and hates iniquity. We are supposed to be 'partakers of the Divine Nature' and 'Conformed to the image of Christ. Therefore we are supposed to be clothed with the nature of the new man.