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Isaiah 1:13
Believe and Receive – Doubt and Do With-out. My God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. Nothing is too hard for HIM.

Isaiah 1:18
Throughout the Bible, God beckons us to COME unto Him and to separate ourselves from the sin of this world. The beautiful poem shared in this sermon is powerful, heart-breaking, and a real inspiration to heed His call to Come.

Isaiah 1:5, 9
God sent His prophets to warn the people of judgment if they did not turn from their sins.  The same warnings apply to us today.   It takes a courageous preacher full of the love of God to sound the warning to those doing evil.  Are you heeding the warnings?

Isaiah 6:5
When Isaiah beheld the glory of the Lord, the overwhelming conviction of his sinful state caused him to cry out 'Woe is me . . . I am a man of unclean lips'. Once he saw and confessed his need for holiness, he received his cleansing, and ultimately his Calling.  Part 1 of this sermon deals with 65 Sins of the Tongue — that little organ that causes so many to sin.  

Isaiah 6:8a
After Isaiah was convicted of his unrighteousness (See Woe is Me — Part 1), God commissioned him.  It is difficult to hear His call when we are living in sin, because God will not commission those who have not been purified with Holy Ghost fire.  Every person has a call upon his life.  Do you know what yours is?

Jeremiah 2
Cast your cares upon The Lord and tell Jesus your sorrows. To trust others in preference to The Lord exposes our weakness and the fact that we have forsaken the fountain of Living Waters.

Jeremiah 6:16
The new time religion has no pardon, no cleansing, and no eternal life. Only the Cross and the Blood of Jesus Christ can pardon, cleanse, sanctify, and restore our souls. The new time religion has a form of Godliness, denying the power thereof.

Jeremiah 29:11-12
God’s thoughts are of refining you. Believe His thoughts are peaceable, and that He designs your highest good.

Jeremiah 18:2-4
He is the potter and we are the clay. At times we must be broken before He can remold us into a vessel of Honor. I pray, 'Lord help us yield to Your Will, Your Word and Your Way that You can mold us gently'.

Ezekiel 22:30
The Church or the family that Prays together Stays together! Prayer is the mightiest force on earth and it comes from a heart of love for people and a real love for God. Where there is no prayer, there is no power.

Daniel 5:5
God is writing His message of approaching Judgement today and sending a red-hot warning to the 7 churches saying ‘Repent and do the first works,’ and a Revival will break out. Lord raise up Daniels today and help us to obey the Perfect Law of the Lord, your 10 Commandments as a Nation and as a people.

Daniel 4:48, 33
God says 'If you don’t bow, you won’t burn'. What is your fiery furnace? You can stand opposition if God is with you, but you will fall if you are not in touch with that 4th man in the furnace…The Son of God – The Saviour of the world, the Door to the sheepfold, the Light of the world, the Vine, the Bread of life, the Water of life, the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, and our soon coming KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS!

Daniel 2:34-35
This supernatural 'STONE' is none other than, 'THE LORD JESUS CHRIST', the Rock upon which the Church is resting.  Christ's Kingdom will be permanent, unending and indestructible. Christ will reign from the Holy City of Jerusalem in the Holy Land for 1000 years.  The saints will reign with HIM, but scattered over the face of the earth, as Kings and Priests unto God.  Our Blessed Lord's Kingdom shall have no end.  We appeal to you who have never been set free from sins.  Come and be set free by the invincible power of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST who is all power in Heaven and Earth.

Amos 2:11-12
God’s Ministers are required to hold the highest standard of holiness before the congregation, NO WINE or STRONG DRINK, and NO means NO. The Lord calls on His servants to be total abstainers from wine or strong drink. The first brain cell is destroyed by the first drink but the accumulated damage starts to reverse itself when the person is delivered of alcohol.

Amos 9:13
This is God’s Spiritual Promise for Revival from a well that never runs dry. We must not neglect the Word or The Lord of The Word. We must break up the fallow ground of our hearts by true repentance and consecration of our all to the Lord Jesus. Sow the good seed of The Word and pray for the latter rain.

Micah 7:19
When God forgives He forgets! Sin brings strong guilt feelings and torments the mind. We must either be pardoned or punished. God will lift our guilt, break the shackles of our sins and set us free, casting our sins into the depths of the sea. Let us Believe and Receive His limitless Pardon today!

Malachi 3:8-11
It is more blessed to give than to receive! Tithing is scriptural. God places a blessing on those who give and a curse on those who withhold their tithe. God is a Good God! No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Matthew 5:14
A chosen generation, called out of darkness to walk as children of light.

Matthew 27:45
Since our Lord can make the sun go down at noon as He did, what glory may we expect now that He lives forever to be the Light of the City of God? May we share that Glory!

Matthew 16:24
Let this mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus. Let us deny self and follow Christ as a crusade! (Not just a creed or a code)