
1 John 5:12 Seek ye first The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and All these things shall be added unto you! He that hath The Son of God has life, and he that has not The Son shall not see life. The Gospel is good news that you can have the forgiveness of sins, peace in your lonely soul and a brand-new life in Christ Jesus.

Revelation 14:12-13 To be in Christ is the greatest honor, privilege, and position any person could ever have.  Detailed scriptural references of the characteristics of those living for Christ are presented. There is a place in Heaven for those who live for Christ. It truly is the greatest privilege – Eternal Life with the Creator of the Universe and the One Who died so we may life.

Our wonderful Lord would never tell us to be ready, to Watch -- Wait -- Look – Be Ready for His Coming if He never intended to come again. There is a great spirit of revival moving across the country. MARANATHA - 'Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

JEREMIAH 1:9 Throughout history, God has put His Words in the mouth of His prophets and preachers.

1 John 1:9 God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the Cross for the sin of the world. Those who confess and repent of their sin will be forgiven, for this is His promise which He is Faithful to keep

Mark 15:43-46 Our bodies are precious to God and deserve an Honorable Burial especially for those who have lived an honorable life. God provided a Joseph for Israel, a Joseph for Jesus’ earthly Father, and Joseph a friend at the death of His only begotten Son, Jesus.

John 13:34-35 Love is the greatest health restorer and rebuilder of the human body. Divine love is the supreme mental and physical health builder. This type of love casts out fear and mental and physical health destroyers. This love is the positive test of whether we know God or not. This love is superior to all spiritual gifts, as great as they are. This Love is placed next door to a sound mind.

Isaiah 52:13-15

The final question: It had to be solved about Jesus Christ being the Messiah, the Righteous Servant of Jehovah. He was indeed and we call him ? ?The Lord our Righteoousness?.

Exodus 12:13 This sermon explains what the word 'Token' means and provides scriptural references of where and how it is used in the Bible.

Ephesians 5:16

There are 86,400 seconds in a day.? We cannot save them to use tomorrow, nor can we retrieve them from yesterday.? Many people live in their ?Yesterdays?, or stress about their ?Tomorrows? while forgetting the great value of ?Today?. Where do you live?

Isaiah 7:14 The virgin birth of Jesus Christ has been the subject of much controversy in both the secular and religious worlds. Beware, for salvation of one's soul hinges upon this very belief.

Matthew 5:3-12 The meaning of 'Blessed' is Happiness at its Highest level, Happiness in its noblest form. It is Happiness derived from Holiness of Heart. It is obtained by walking up nine spiritual steps which lead to the top. You will be amazed to find Who God chooses to become the happiest people on earth. Learn the secret to living The Blessed Life and how to live it. Learn how to enter into the Blessedness of a Pure Heart.

Revelation 1-4 A Prophetic message describing the astonishing conditions of His Bride in each of the seven churches just prior to His Return. Christ’s precise pattern of administration to the Seven Churches is Commendation, Reproofs, Commands, Warnings, Promises and Admonitions. Christ does not condone, cover up, excuse or justify sin in His saints. He holds each of us accountable in our conduct. He loves righteousness and hates iniquity. We are supposed to be 'partakers of the Divine Nature' and 'Conformed to the image of Christ. Therefore we are supposed to be clothed with the nature of the new man.

John 4:35-36 Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest: behold, I say unto you. Lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. And he that reapeth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.' This course consists of 19 lessons uncovering 'hidden mysteries' about the Rapture of the Church and the Tribulation.


Revelation 1:8 There is only one living and true God, eternally existent in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Ghost. He is an intelligent and spiritual being, infinite in Holiness and all other perfection. GOD is Omnipotent (ALL POWERFUL). GOD is Omnipresent (EVERY-WHERE AT ALL TIMES). GOD is Omniscient (ALL WISE and ALL KNOWING and LOVING. Let your life be led by God’s Spirit.

John 1:14

Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us taking upon Himself the clothing of humanity, and He died on the Cross so that we would not die helpless and alone. He is seated at the right hand of GOD interceding on our behalf. We have a friend in GOD?S court wh

Acts 2:38 Our Lord was the best example of our need to be baptized in water. When John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, God spoke from Heaven and said: 'THIS IS MY BELOVED SON IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED'. The Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove. We are to be baptized into Jesus in the Name of The Father, Son and Holy Ghost. It is a witness to the world that we have been saved and a testimony of our subjection and obedience to God. We are to present ourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 This life is but a rehearsal for eternity and we must be about our Father’s business. Death is a friend to the righteous. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Eternal separation and punishment await the evil and the only escape is to have our names written in The Lamb’s Book of Life, by accepting Jesus as our personal Savior

2 Corinthians 6:14-17 The responsibility to maintain unity in the Church of The Lord Jesus Christ is left to the believers. We must always strive to maintain our unity because The Lord deserves that we be one. His lengthy prayer for us was for Unity. Oneness is our testimony.

Genesis 25:23 Saving Faith is a gift from God, bringing liberty to captives, pardon to condemned criminals, life to those dead in trespasses and sins, and deliverance from deadly diseases. The Spirit and the Bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely

Genesis 17:13-14 Come and understand the term Circumcision and Uncumcision as it applies in different ways. In the Old Testament in physical terms, it represented an everlasting covenant. In the New Testament in Spiritual terms, it applies to circumcision of the heart. The uncircumcised in heart are rebellious, proud, stiff-necked and hard-hearted. Circumcision of the heart causes us to love Him wholly and delivers us from self-love.

Genesis 28:12, 13a, 15 May God grant this insight to us as we continue -- pilgrims through this land that is not our real home. We can never go beyond the place of His knowledge or His Presence. And oh ... the Ladder -- that which united the earth with Heaven, making communication possible is a symbol of our Redeemer!

Genesis 8:14 There is nothing too hard for God Who created the natural supernaturally. He is the God of all flesh Who provides above all that we can ask or think. He restores our souls, heals our bodies and renews our minds with His Word. He guides, protects and directs us and keeps every promise in the Book.

Genesis 2:21 While Adam slept, God was creating from his wounded side a wife who was part of himself, and he paid for her by the shedding of blood. This is a beautiful story concerning Christ and the church. Adam is a picture of Jesus and Eve is a type of the Bride of Christ.

Genesis 5:22-24 We must give up our plans and purposes, turn our backs on the world, and begin to walk with God. WE must obey the Word of God, walk in His statutes after the Spirit and not after the flesh. My daddy always said, 'show me the company that you keep and I will tell you who you are'. Bless God for THE FAMILY OF GOD that will be raptured just like Enoch.

Genesis 28:12 God spoke to Jacob in a dream for the first time in his life. He saw the Lord standing at the very top of a ladder that reached from earth to the very throne of God in the highest heaven. He saw Angels ascending and descending. Jacob at once surrendered his life to the Lord and made a solemn promise that The Lord would be His God.

Genesis 50:24-25 We may not have time to visit with Jesus and receive the aid of The Messiah or to give it to others. Lord help us to obey the Holy Spirit’s slightest leading to give our time, talent and treasure to the building up Your Kingdom. Only one life will soon be past, only what is done for Christ will last.

Genesis 3:6 In this beautiful garden is where the fall of mankind occurred. The fact destroys the social gospel that man’s nature is changed by his environment and education. His surroundings do not change his nature. Obedience to God and His Word is the only safe way.

Exodus 17:6 This sermon beautifully reveals how a rock — out of which came water, honey, oil, and fire — is a shadow and fore type of the Lord Jesus Christ. Your eyes will be opened to this wonderful revelation.

Exodus 3:1-5 The deliverance of the Children of Israel from the bondage of Pharaoh in Egypt reveals the cunning devices and strategies the devil uses to try to keep us in bondage.

Exodus 40:34-38 If we follow God’s commandments, walking in the complete redemption provided by Jesus death on the Cross, we can enjoy His healing virtue. He was wounded for our transgression He was bruised for our inequities. The prayer of Faith shall heal the sick and the Lord shall raise them up. To maintain spiritual and physical health, we must be in constant contact with the source of our supply.

Exodus 15:25-26 He sent His Word and healed us. He restored our souls and gave us songs of Joy in the Psalms. He allows our physical discomfort to discipline and chasten us. God made our bodies to be well with an immune system beyond any medical plan. He desires that we prosper and be in Health even as our soul prospers, which tells me healing is from the inside out. So is your Faith unto you!

Exodus 20:3 We can make Idols of our loved ones or our many blessings. God forbid that our hearts go out in adoration of anything above our Love for God, with all our hearts, soul and all our might. Let God’s love flow thru you to a lost and dying world with a mountain moving faith and The Word of God.

Exodus 5:9 The greatest Sin is unbelief. Sinners who consider God’s message on Hell, the Judgment Day, the Coming of Christ as vain words harden their hearts. Repent believe in The Lord Jesus Christ and receive His free gift of Salvation.

Leviticus 19:28, Leviticus 21:5 While tattoos have become very popular in today's culture, God has clearly forbidden this practice. The question is, will you obey God, or will you go along with the ways of the world?

Leviticus 19:30 God had set aside one day of the week in which He commanded man to cease from work and worship Him in His holy temple. Does this command still hold for today?

Numbers 18:12 Everything we own and around us — even the very air we breathe belongs to God. God puts a claim upon each person to give back to Him the first fruits (tithes and offerings) of his possessions, obedience which will determine whether he will receive God’s blessings or a curse.

Deuteronomy 34:23 Moses is a beautiful role model of servanthood having chosen to suffer affliction with his fellow Jews, rather than live in the luxury of Pharaoh’s palace. His life of self-denial, obedience, and burden for God’s people earned him the title 'servant of the Lord'.

Deuteronomy 33:3-5 Moses lived a life totally surrendered to God, yet was unable to enter the Promised Land because no man can totally keep the Law. Moses loved the people, just as God loves us, and gave His Son to save us because the law cannot save.

Deuteronomy 32:45-47 God, thru His prophet Moses, gave us His Commandments by which we are to live and by which we will be judged. Our obedience to them is not optional — it is a matter of eternal life and death.

Joshua 13:1|Joshua 18:3 There are many rewards for us when we fight spiritual battles, yet too many Christians are indifferent and unwilling to press through spiritual conflicts and temptations. We will only have the Lord’s blessings if we go after them.

Judges 6:12-16 No matter what our circumstances, God is with us and will help us if we will call upon Him and trust Him. This requires action on our part: to open our hearts, remove fear and doubt, and cooperate with Him.

Judges 14:8-9 The weapon of Self is the weapon satan uses to destroy us. Therefore, we need to be dead to self and filled with the sweetness that comes from the Spirit of God. What does that look like?

Judges 14:8 Samson finding honey in the carcass of a lion is a Type of the Lord Jesus Christ — the Lion of Judah — Whose hands are dripping with heavenly honey. We can also drip with honey if we will put to death the lion of Self.

Judges 16:4 Love is a powerful emotion that can cause a person to go to the extreme for the one he loves. The object of one’s love can be a gateway to Heaven or Hell. Who or what is the object of your love?

Judges 6:34 Biblical history shows those who have been the most successful in life are those who have been fully consecrated to God. Half-hearted followers of Christ weaken the influence of the Body of Christ has in building up the Kingdom of God.

Ruth 1:22 In the Bible, Harvest not only refers to crops, but also to souls. Just as all grains do not ripen at the same time, God has a timetable when the first and final gathering of souls will take place. God’s Feast Days — the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) and the Feast of Tabernacles or Ingathering (Sukkot) — are shadows and fore types of these events.

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