
Ruth 1:16-17 The story of Ruth beautifully depicts how faith in the True God, as seen in the life of Naomi — can influence those around them, helping them move into the destiny God has for them.

1 Samuel 15:17 The life of King Saul illustrates how self-sufficiency will always lead to failure and sorrow. Saul’s downward decline was tragic, given that he began with the best of human qualities. This is a lesson God wants all of us to learn.

1 Samuel 17:33 There was a time when it was unorthodox to reach the world with the gospel via television. David took down Goliath with a slingshot which was also unorthodox. If an unorthodox way is God’s way, then it will prosper.

1 Samuel 12:23 Prayerlesness is a sin which allows other sins to enter and dominate one's life. It then leads to a state of alienation from God.   Without prayer, we are weak, powerless, and break God’s heart.

1 Samuel 4:21 The dying wife of Phinehas gave birth shortly after learning the Ark of the Covenant had been taken by the Philistines during a battle, and named her son Ichabod, which means the glory has departed. There are churches, individuals, and Bible studies whose spiritual condition is such that they could be given this name.

2 Samuel 18:19 Absalom was the most handsome man in Israel. His supreme business in life was to prosper. His death was sudden and tragic like many of our youth today who have failed to seek The Kingdom of God. Seek ye First, The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.

2 Samuel 19:10 The devil reigns in the hearts of earthly Kings. We need to bring back Jesus our King Who will put an end to death, bring us our glorified bodies, and restore the lost paradise.

2 Samuel 7:2-3 We are not our own. Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. We must dig into the word and see what The Lord our God requires of us and be doers of The Word not hearers only.

2 Samuel 20:8 Cruel Words come from an evil heart full of unforgiveness and ill will. This can cause looseness in our garment of separation, our girdle of consecration, our robe of prayer and our garment of holiness. Guard your heart and your tongue. Be part of the remnant without spot or blemish.

1 Kings 20:39-40 God in His mercy guides us, but when we run ahead of Him or rely on our own wisdom rather than consult Him, we run into trouble. We see this in the life of King Ahab, as well as in our own.

2 Kings 2:5 You cannot be truly born again without being hungry and seeking the fullness of Christ and His promised Holy Spirit. We need His power. We come like Elisha and pray, 'Let a double portion of Thy Spirit be upon me'.

2 Kings 6:5 The axe head fell into the river while one of Elisha’s servants was cutting down a tree, only to find it miraculously floating on the water after crying out to the prophet Elisha for help. Where in your life have you lost your axe handle, and how can you get it back?

2 Kings 5:1-19 Naaman, a Syrian General, is healed after following the simple Words of God’s prophet, Elisha. Anger and pride almost cost him his healing.

2 Kings 5:1 The responsibility to win souls in this generation Is greater than ever before. Man is a composite of mind, body and Soul, mental, physical and spiritual. We have excelled in them all. There is one thing wrong with the human race, we are sinners. We must be born-again and turn on spiritually. That is the Third dimension. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned.

2 Chronicles 34:30-31 At a time in Israel’s history when the ways of the Lord were no longer followed, young Josiah became king and made a covenant to follow God and His commands. Just as God used this teenage king to restore Israel, He is looking for young people today who will call their nation back to Him.

Nehemiah 3:28 The Body of Christ needs to work together to repair the weak areas in families, homes, churches, and communities which have allowed the devil access. A deep love for the Lord is the strongest motivator to accomplish this crucial task.

Nehemiah 2:10 This account of Nehemiah discusses 10 essential steps that must be followed to successfully carry out the Great Commission. It is also a powerful strategy that will help every believer overcomer the ongoing spiritual warfare of this world.

Nehemiah 8:10 Nehemiah sacrificed everything for the welfare of his nation and people, and in the end, he told them to rejoice and share their blessings with those who had nothing. God wants us to enjoy the many blessings of Salvation, and to share those blessings with the lost souls of this world.

Job 23:10 Satan was sure Job would curse God once God removed His protective hedge around him. However, Job’s unshakable faith helped him maintain his integrity through the severest of trials and afflictions. Through these trials, Job learned some important truths.

Job 35:10 Although there is sorrow and tribulation in this life, it is God Who gives songs in the night. Only those with broken hearts who give their hearts to Him can sing songs in the darkest hours of life.

Job 38:22 The Bible revealed scientific facts about nature long before scientists ever studied or discovered them. There are truly 'treasures of the snow', and this sermon beautifully delineates them.

Job 1:10 Job was a righteous man God could trust with riches, but satan insisted Job would curse Him and no longer serve Him if He removed the blessings and hedge of protection He had around him. Job withstood this difficult test. The Lord blesses, protects, and honors those who honor Him in their life.

Job 23:3 There are many things in this life that can keep up from coming to God or drift away from Him. We can’t have Him and our own ways. He will use our pain and trials to bring us back to Him because of His great love for us.

Psalms 1:1-3 To be blessed of God, we must watch with whom we associate, there is no JOY in trying to be something we are not. Put on the New Nature and get the victory thru Jesus Christ. Revival comes when The Spirit takes over.

Psalms 23:2-3 We are traveling through this world but once, and we need spiritual leaders to guide and direct us from earth to Heaven. The Bible is our roadmap. When we are born-again of the Spirit of God, the Lord becomes our Shepherd and as His sheep we hear His voice and follow HIM.

Psalms 91:16 Eternal life is found in Christ alone by faith in His shed Blood, in a new world that will never end. Why settle for less? This is the good news of the Gospel for all of us.

Psalms 1:2 Meditation on The Son of God Who, with the golden compass, struck out a circle from space and fashioned this round world. To think of Him as The God Who holds this mighty world in orbit and as The King of Glory Who before Him angels bow with modest homage; and yet He considers us as bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh.

Psalms 1:5-6 Church fellowship will not count. All the adulterers, covetous, thieves, hypocrites, liars and Sabbath breakers will be called 'Out' at home plate. There is no stealing bases in the game of life.

Psalms 51:7-10 There is only one right way to begin the New Year. Begin it with a clear conscience, a clean heart, and a consecrated life of service to the Lord.

Psalms 17:4-5 Heavenly Help is available in the gift of discernment. We are told to lean not on our own understanding. The fiery trials which are to try us are won or lost depending on whether we are walking in the Spirit or in the flesh.

Psalms 23:1-6 A great actor recited the 23 Psalm in a dramatic and eloquent manner and received roaring applause and a standing ovation. The next speaker was an elderly white-haired man who was bowed, feeble and worn by many long years of steadfast patient labor as a missionary. He said, 'I too, would like to recite the 'shepherd Song'. Then, lifting his face slightly toward Heaven, he closed his eyes and began. When the servant of the Lord finished, you could hear a pin drop. There was no applause, but there was not a dry eye and tears were flowing freely. The actor hesitated and then replied, 'The answer is simple. I knew the 23rd Psalm and I knew it well, but he knows the Shepherd!' Do you know the Shepherd?

Psalm 51 Repentance of sin and faith in Jesus is the only way of salvation which is a gift from God. The broken heart is turned from its own self-righteousness. The Grace of Christ sets us free from sin. Won’t you cast your heart upon Him now?

Psalms 7:12 The wicked shall be turned into Hell and all the nations that forget God. True repentance is a turning of one’s heart as well as one’s life. It is the giving up of one’s whole soul to God, to be His forever and ever. It is a renunciation of the sins of the heart, as well as the crimes of life.

Psalms 138:8 We are not always satisfied with our Christian experience. We feel a lack, like something is incomplete, unfinished. Jesus is the Author and the Finisher of our faith. After we are saved, God starts working in us mightily to do His will.

Psalms 55:22 We can cast all our cares upon Him with the mind of Christ and a soul that refuses to doubt. Everything in earth and Heaven is working together for our eternal good and His Glory as we remain an open channel for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Proverbs 18:24 Friendship seems as necessary an element of comfortable existence in this world as fire and water or even air itself. To have a friend, we must show ourselves friendly. Jesus is a true friend He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Proverbs 25:14 Those who promise salvation by any other means than through our Lord Jesus Christ are like Clouds without water – they promise much but deliver nothing. We are in an age of spiritual drought, but we do not have to do without because we have The Word of God, The Holy Bible.

Proverbs 4:23 We guard our hearts by guarding our minds, by refusing every thought that is impure, unkind, offensive, unjust, evil, detrimental, or envious. I love to sing Proverbs 18:10: The Name of The Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run into, and is safe. When we run to Him, then with His conscious Presence we maintain our position of victory and we resist the devil.

Proverbs 25:20 Those in great sorrow are to be comforted by sympathy and compassion and care. Weep with them that weep and Rejoice with them that Rejoice. Lord, give us wisdom to know how to help those who have depression and inner hurts.

Proverbs 23:23a We are kept by the power of God through faith. It is not what we can do, but what Christ has done that keeps us going. God is in His Word, and when His Word is in us so is Jehovah.

Proverbs 6:16-19 God hates a Proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a hearth that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soeth discord among brethren. We live in the shadow of death because of sin until we receive Christ as our Saviour. Invite him into your heart today!

Proverbs 29:18 Our hearts are anchored in the promises of God’s Word until they become as real as God Himself. The Holy Spirit opens our inner eyes and reveals to us the vision of our high calling. Beloved, it is not enough to be saved and sanctified. There is a life of Christ-likeness and heavenly-mindedness and maturity, with a love that suffereth long, is kind, and never fails and is not provoked.

Proverbs 11:30b The man who makes soul winning the supreme business of life is the wisest man on Earth. This is the duty of every Christian to go into all the world and spread The Gospel. Lord, light the fires in our souls to win souls! He that winneth souls is wise.

Ecclesiastes 9:18 We find these people behind the pulpit and in respected political and judicial positions. They pervert and poisons the foundations of faith and justice which flows down into the community, affecting countless others. Lord, raise up Elijah’s to win this spiritual war.

Ecclesiastes 5:3 To walk in the Spirit we must avoid talking for talk’s sake, or merely to entertain. To speak effectively we must speak in God’s appointed time and in harmony with the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 In the Old Testament, God sent them out two by two. Jesus used this principle in sending forth His Disciples. The rule was followed by the early church and as Intercessors today, we need it even more.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 We see that Samuel still had reason, memory, feeling, and emotions which are every test of consciousness. This is God’s witness speaking about a true believer in the Lord. The rich man could see, hear, and remember. He was as conscious in Hell as Samuel was in Paradise.

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