
Matthew 22:37-40 God gave 'The Law' to Moses for our protection. Jesus came and fulfilled the law with grace and The Law is expanded in the New Testament.

Matthew 12:43-45 Our body is a spiritual house that requires spiritual food from the Holy Bible under the anointing of The Holy Spirit. Christ in us is the hope of Glory.

Matthew 7:7-8 Our souls need three loaves, Salvation, Sanctification and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 9:21 Lord, show us ourselves, then show us Yourself!

Matthew 2:2 Christmas is God’s response to the heart cries of all who are wanting Peace, Joy and someone to love them.

Matthew 24:44 Our readiness for His Coming means being without spot or blemish, and a new creation in Christ Jesus who is being about The Master’s Business.

Matthew 19:27 Receive 100 fold Blessings and Inherit everlasting life.

Matthew 2 The wise men were wise to Worship The new Born Son of God!

Mark 12:41-44 Jesus believed He could meet God in the spiritually impoverished Church and He gave something that changed the atmosphere! Will you allow Christ in you to do the same today? Go to Give, Not to Get.

Mark 5:1 Education without Christ only makes men clever devils that can be worse than demons.

Mark 11:24 When we ask our Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus, according to His Will praying His Word, the answers are limitless. We are Blessed and God is Glorified.

Mark 3:1, 5 May the Church stretch forth the withered hand and take a firm hold of God’s Promises like Jacob who clung to God, like Moses’ uplifted hands held a rod of authority and Samson’s hand mighty in battle.

Mark 10:35-40 Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Live a crucified life. Put God first, others and then you

Mark 2:16-17 Earnestly, Tenderly, Jesus is calling saying, 'Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.'

Mark 16:16 Only those who believe in their heart that Jesus is the Son of God and act upon it are saved. To be lost is to hear the Gospel and refuse to believe and receive it.

Mark 10:26 Anyone can be saved who will take the sinners place and cry out, 'God be merciful to me a sinner, and save me for Jesus’ sake.'

Luke 14:23 Before we can do our part effectively, we need to have love for souls and be Spirit filled. If we let people go on in their sins and fail to warn them, their blood will be on our hands. We are saying to this lost soul, 'Go to hell for all I care', when we neglect going to them with a sense of urgency - Mark 16:15

Luke 23:42 There is not much hope of a person being saved until the fear of God comes in and until there are hot tears of sorrow and shame. If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Luke 1:74-75 Let us give ourselves wholly to Christ for this deeper work of grace to be wrought in us. Thus making us truly ready for the rapture, the second coming of Christ.

Luke 17:21 Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, of our sinfulness, of God’s great love, of the value and power of the Blood of The Lord Jesus to deliver. The Glory of the changed life comes thru the power of the Gospel.

Luke 19:9 Every soul is very precious to God! We are to love lost sinners like the Lord does regardless of their status whether rich or poor and share the good news of the Gospel.

Luke 15:11-32 Sin is the most expensive luxury in the world! There is a famine of the Word of God – The Holy Bible. Preachers must preach against these modern abominations to get this generation out of the Hog Pens that would make Angels blush.

Luke 21:24 The stone was Jesus, the eternal rock of ages. Christ is the greatest Jew that ever lived. The Name of Jesus is coming into Jewish homes and the sweetness and beauty of it all is appealing. They must know Who is this Jesus Who died for our sins and teaches people to love one another.

Luke 19:44 The religious world, blinded by Theology did not recognize Christ but two blind beggars and multitudes of children did. They were shouting 'Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is He that cometh in The Name of The Lord.' Christ is here visiting with the purpose of forgiving and cleansing and filling us with The Spirit of God. Don’t miss Him!

Luke 9:57-62 Self-denial is when the Will of God is supreme in every Christian as the inviolable (never to be broken) rule of life. You are not your own. Failure to grow spiritually will ship wreck our faith.

John 12:3 A suffering and dying world is waiting for a demonstration of true Christians to show to them the Love of Christ, a love that is ever outgoing and overflowing all banks of human restraint.

John 4:35 Our Lord Jesus tells us about the rewards to the faithful workers and the judgment upon the lazy gospel shirkers.

John 4:46-54 Our Jesus can turn sins to salvation, ill will to good will, hate to love, jealousy to mercy, temper to temperance and habits to Hallelujah, defeat into victory, sorrow to joy, sickness to health and water into wine.

John 3:6-7 Those born of the Spirit of God have a different kind of Love, because it is God’s Love for the World.

John 17:16 We must get out of the Sin justifying, sin condoning, sin justifying business or we will suffer sin’s consequences and prevent revivals. Come out from among them and be ye separated.

John 11:6 Only after our faith is tested and tried and purified of all fear, doubt and unbelief do we know the Lord can do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think.

John 1:49 Anyone who truly knows Jesus will love Him and tell others about Him. They will unselfishly share the gift of eternal life.

John 13:34-35 There are certain destroying emotions affecting the human body and it cannot be cured until the mind, heart and soul have been totally changed and reversed. It takes Faith in The Great Physician, The Lord Jesus Christ, to restore us to complete health and strength.

John 14:13 We pray in Jesus Name resting on the finished work of Christ on the cross at Calvary and when we are fully consecrated with our all on the altar, He hears and answers our prayers.

John 2:10 There is no such thing as Faith without action. Faith does not argue or reason, it obeys. When they had no more wine at the wedding in Cana, Mary told Jesus and He said, 'What have I to do with thee?' Mary said to the servants, 'Whatever He saith unto you, do it.' He is saying to us, 'Whatever the Holy Spirit says do – just do it.' Faith without works is dead. He is still the miracle working Jesus Who turned water into wine.

John 1:29 & 33 The Dove is kind, meek and a lover. The lamb is the most meek and gentle of all animals on Earth which cannot live without a shepherd. Lord help us live righteous lives with the nature of a lamb and The Love of God like the Dove.

John 2:14 Christ gives the best JOY, PEACE, HOPE, PROMISES AND FRIENDSHIP. If your life has not yet been changed by the power of Jesus Christ, THE BEST IS YET TO COME! Receive HIM today!

John 13:19 The purpose of prophecy is for our eternal benefit and welfare. The Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners and the happiness of believers.

John 11:35 Our redeemer is human and has provided through His tender love Redemption and Transformation. He has turned a curse into a blessing and made a rainbow out of His Tears.

John 1:45 Are you looking for the Messiah of whose kingdom there shall be no end? It only takes a minute and Eternity is in it, God Loves You, invite Him into your Heart and Life today. Be born again of The Spirit of God.

John 3:7 The moment you surrender your life to Jesus, He will take you into His Loving care and transform you into what He created you to be.

John 1:45 God forbid that we become so busy and occupied with the cares of this world that we lose sight of You and the absence of Your Presence. Help us to find You and feel Your presence every day. NEED THEE, HOW WE NEED THE, EVERY HOUR WE NEED THEE!

Acts 2:47 A soul winning church must be filled with prayerful soul winners who are absolutely sold out to God's Will and Purpose. How important is it to have a sense that the person in front of you might have a lost soul? It is important for you to be ready to give a reason for the confident expectation that you are one day going to Heaven. A Love for the Bible and an understanding of its message of the depths of God's Love are two characteristics of an obedient child of God.

Acts 24:25 Felix was a very unrighteous Judge who called Paul from his jail cell in hopes Paul would pay him money to get out of jail. Paul spoke of Judgment to come and of the White Throne records when the secret deeds of man would be made public. Felix came under such conviction that he trembled. He told Paul to go back to his cell and he would call him when it was a more convenient time to repent. The time never came. Your destiny depends on saying 'YES' to Jesus when He calls you to repent of your sin.

Acts 3:6 If you want to be a Blessing, you will be! Every revival has its roots in Prayer. Pray, Believe and Receive. Pray doubt - and do without. A real revival is the renewing of Jesus to the throne of our hearts. Jesus will lift you up and restore the Joy, Gladness and Praises to your soul. He is either Lord of all or not at all.

Acts 17:30-31 On the day of Pentecost, Peter preached to nearly 2000. They cried, 'Men and Brethren, what must we do'? Peter replied, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of The Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call. REPENT and BELIEVE….REPENENCE ALWAYS COME FIRST!

Acts 3:2-3 The beggar who was lame was only asking for alms, for bread for his body - only to be hungry again. Peter and John received Power from on high. They shared 'The Bread of Life' that fed the man's soul so that he could live forever. The man not only walked but went leaping and praising God. Don't settle for that which is temporal, go for that which is eternal and share it with the world.

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