1 Corinthians 2:14 A paradox is often the very highest expression of truth. The seeming contradiction in terms is only apparent because we do not realize the inner meaning of what is said, giving more reason to meditate on The Word of God and ask The Holy Spirit for enlightenment.

Proverbs 18:24 Friendship seems as necessary an element of comfortable existence in this world as fire and water or even air itself. To have a friend, we must show ourselves friendly. Jesus is a true friend He will never leave you nor forsake you.

2 Kings 5:15b All of Naaman’s wealth and honor had nothing to do with healing him of Leprosy. The cure was simple faith and obedience. Naaman’s anger, rebellion and pride melted into humility, and when he obeyed God and dipped in the Jordan river 7 times he was healed.

Philippians 2:5-7 Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus! Only one life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.

Acts 8:35 What are the qualities of a layman's work in service to God? Most are never called by God to become preachers. Philip was a servant obedient to God's call. Obedience is a quality the Lord cherishes. We all can be servants in sharing the love of Jesus with others.

John 12:3 A suffering and dying world is waiting for a demonstration of true Christians to show to them the Love of Christ, a love that is ever outgoing and overflowing all banks of human restraint.

Mark 12:34 To be in Church is NOT to be in Christ. Unless a man is in Christ, he is lost.

2 Corinthians 5:1 Life in our earthly house (our body) is a challenge. Our bodies are as frail as a bubble. In a twinkling of an eye, those who are saved by the Grace of God through Jesus will be 'Absent from the body and Present with The Lord' the second their life on earth has ended. We will enter thru the gates of pearls and walk on streets of gold overlooking a beautiful river and enjoying fruit from trees that bear fruit every month, not to mention eternal life with our Holy God.

2 Peter 1:9 Son, remember your backsliding, your coldness, your lukewarm faith and repent. Thank God He does not leave us in the dark, nor reward us by casting us off forever for our treatment of Him. His covenant of Salvation is through Christ the living Son of God. Today is the day of Salvation.

Acts 2:47 A soul winning church must be filled with prayerful soul winners who are absolutely sold out to God's Will and Purpose. How important is it to have a sense that the person in front of you might have a lost soul? It is important for you to be ready to give a reason for the confident expectation that you are one day going to Heaven. A Love for the Bible and an understanding of its message of the depths of God's Love are two characteristics of an obedient child of God.

Numbers 11:23 God is fully able to meet our needs, even in our wilderness experiences. He is looking for those with a grateful heart, not those with a spirit of murmuring and complaining.


Genesis 3-5 Once you taste the forbidden fruit, as Eve did, the devil will help make it more appetizing. It seems so innocent and pleasant — but do not forget that sin deceives, hardens the heart, and sears the conscience so much that it is fascinating, but it is the devil's bait for your soul.


Hebrews 9:27 The devil came to steal, kill and destroy, but JESUS CAME THAT WE MAY HAVE LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY. The Christian lives for That moment - to be absent from the body and present with THE LORD (in Heaven).

2 Samuel 18:19 Absalom was the most handsome man in Israel. His supreme business in life was to prosper. His death was sudden and tragic like many of our youth today who have failed to seek The Kingdom of God. Seek ye First, The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.

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