
Luke 4:18 Deliverance is being set free, saved and liberated from anything simply by trusting the Lord God with all your heart.

Luke 16:26 Preachers and Teachers blow on the Rams Horn of Judgment as well as The Silver Trumpet of Grace. To disbelieve in Hell is to deny the truth of the scriptures in God’s Holy Word.

Luke 14:23 Before we can do our part effectively, we need to have love for souls and be Spirit filled. If we let people go on in their sins and fail to warn them, their blood will be on our hands. We are saying to this lost soul, 'Go to hell for all I care', when we neglect going to them with a sense of urgency - Mark 16:15

Luke 16 V 19-31

The existence of Hell has been the subject of much discussion and debate for centuries. Presented in this study is Scriptural proof of a literal, burning Hell prepared for the fallen angels (demons) and those who choose to follow them, rather than God.  This is one subject about which you cannot afford to be ignorant.


Luke 17:32 But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, for where your treasures are there will your heart be also. God hates carnal Christians who love the things of the world. Remember Lot’s wife, if you play with fire you are bound to be burned.

Luke 23:42 There is not much hope of a person being saved until the fear of God comes in and until there are hot tears of sorrow and shame. If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Luke 1:74-75 Let us give ourselves wholly to Christ for this deeper work of grace to be wrought in us. Thus making us truly ready for the rapture, the second coming of Christ.

Luke 16:19-31 Jesus of Nazareth is saying 'COME UNTO ME'! For our souls to be saved, we need the Savior to atone for our sin and give us Victory over sin’s power. 'IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE, BUT ETERNITY IS IN IT'.

Luke 2:45-46 We need to seek Christ while He can still be found.  This sermon reminds us that it is we who are lost until we find Him.  


Luke 10:30 Sins of omission are more serious than the sins of commission and more common. Jesus said, what we have done for others we have done unto Him.

Luke 17:21 Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, of our sinfulness, of God’s great love, of the value and power of the Blood of The Lord Jesus to deliver. The Glory of the changed life comes thru the power of the Gospel.

Luke 19:9 Every soul is very precious to God! We are to love lost sinners like the Lord does regardless of their status whether rich or poor and share the good news of the Gospel.

Luke 15:11-32 Sin is the most expensive luxury in the world! There is a famine of the Word of God – The Holy Bible. Preachers must preach against these modern abominations to get this generation out of the Hog Pens that would make Angels blush.

Luke 21:24 The stone was Jesus, the eternal rock of ages. Christ is the greatest Jew that ever lived. The Name of Jesus is coming into Jewish homes and the sweetness and beauty of it all is appealing. They must know Who is this Jesus Who died for our sins and teaches people to love one another.

Luke 19:44 The religious world, blinded by Theology did not recognize Christ but two blind beggars and multitudes of children did. They were shouting 'Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is He that cometh in The Name of The Lord.' Christ is here visiting with the purpose of forgiving and cleansing and filling us with The Spirit of God. Don’t miss Him!

Luke 9:57-62 Self-denial is when the Will of God is supreme in every Christian as the inviolable (never to be broken) rule of life. You are not your own. Failure to grow spiritually will ship wreck our faith.