
Matthew 5:14 A chosen generation, called out of darkness to walk as children of light.

Matthew 23:25 A counterfeit Christian takes on a form of Godliness but denies the power thereof.


Matthew 27:45 Since our Lord can make the sun go down at noon as He did, what glory may we expect now that He lives forever to be the Light of the City of God? May we share that Glory!

Matthew 16:24 Let this mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus. Let us deny self and follow Christ as a crusade! (Not just a creed or a code)

Matthew 11:6 The trials of our faith are more precious than gold as they build faith as a divinely imparted gift of the Heart. God causes all things to work together for our good and His Glory.


Matthew 22:1-14 Only God can provide the wedding garment by the power of the Blood of Jesus. It is a Robe of Righteousness covering the clean of Heart & Right Spirit.

Matthew 7:3-4 We overcome our judgmental nature, our hurt feelings, and unforgiveness with God’s Love, the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit, and a work of Grace called Sanctification.


Matthew 21:18-19 Give us a Heart after God filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit that we may bear fruit and have our names written in 'The Book of Life'.


Matthew 8:5 We must first make Jesus Lord over our life to receive His Power and Authority over sin and sickness. We receive according to our faith, refusing to be discouraged, unwilling to take ‘No’ for an answer.

Matthew 13:43 Christ Himself in us is the Hope of Glory that gives us ears to hear what the Father is saying to us. We breathe HIM in and breathe ourselves out. It is called 'The Crucified Life'.

Matthew 2:2 The heart that wants to meet Him for one purpose, to worship Him . . . will follow His Star and find Him.

Matthew 5:11 Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.

Matthew 5:17 Jesus came to fulfill the Law. The Law never made anything perfect.

Matthew 25:7 Grace and the Anointing are not transferrable!

Matthew 18:15|Matthew 18:16|Matthew 18:17 We are to carry a forgiving Heart toward everyone.

Matthew 6:8-15 We must be as eager to forgive as we are to be forgiven.

Matthew 2:2 Have you received Jesus as your personal Savior?

Matthew 5:15 The Christian’s Light is supposed to be visible anywhere and everywhere at all times.

Matthew 6:9 Have you come out of the kingdom of darkness and into The Kingdom of His Dear Son?

Matthew 25:31-32 There are only two classes of people, the wise and the good, the evil and the foolish.

Matthew 11:28 By refusing to accept Christ as our personal Savior, we are shutting ourselves out of Heaven.

Matthew 22:37-40 God gave 'The Law' to Moses for our protection. Jesus came and fulfilled the law with grace and The Law is expanded in the New Testament.

Matthew 12:43-45 Our body is a spiritual house that requires spiritual food from the Holy Bible under the anointing of The Holy Spirit. Christ in us is the hope of Glory.

Matthew 7:7-8 Our souls need three loaves, Salvation, Sanctification and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 9:21 Lord, show us ourselves, then show us Yourself!

Matthew 2:2 Christmas is God’s response to the heart cries of all who are wanting Peace, Joy and someone to love them.

Matthew 13:58:

And He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.

Matthew 24:44 Our readiness for His Coming means being without spot or blemish, and a new creation in Christ Jesus who is being about The Master’s Business.

Matthew 19:27 Receive 100 fold Blessings and Inherit everlasting life.

Matthew 2 The wise men were wise to Worship The new Born Son of God!