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Romans 12:2
Jesus can transform our broken souls when He us a new creation. Then we can sing the Praises of God because He has put a new song in our hearts. The Power of God is beyond our imaginations! See just how powerful God's power is throughout this study.

Romans 13:11
Is it dangerous to sleep now? Jesus is returning soon. 'Knowing the time' are the words of our text. God speaks on: 'It IS, now, time to awake up'.

1 Corinthians 13:1-2
Charity is choosing the good and refusing evil, giving pleasure - not merely pleasing. A life of love by way of charity is in reality 'God living Himself in us as He did in Jesus.' He that hath the Son hath The Father.

1 Corinthians
The Holy Spirit is a person. Only a person can guide, lead, teach, intercede, glorify Jesus Christ, seal believers, or be grieved, resisted or be quenched. Being a Spirit, He takes up residence in the human heart.

1 Corinthians
The special gift of Hospitality is the God given ability to make people feel welcome in your home and in your presence. It is the ability to warm the hearts of those who feel nobody cares.

1 Corinthians 13:3
The gift of giving is a rare privilege. It comes with an alertness to perceive real & valid needs of othes. Giving Bountifully will cause a person to reap bountifully. This gift of the Spirit causes one to distribute their God supplied finances to the cause of Jesus Christ in a way which is above the natural ability of a generous person.

1 Corinthians 12:9
God wants to help us activate faith. Faith does involve a degree of believing. There are levels of faith. Little faith gets little, more faith gets more, much faith gets much. When we can count it done before it is done according to The Word of God, then we have risen to the highest level of God Given Faith that there is.

1 Corinthians 11:4-6
A Christian man will look upon his mate with loving respect and admiration when she obeys the Word of God as a real child of God. You dear sisters can look at your man with admiration and true respect which are the main ingredients of genuine love. You will honor him only when you see him submitting to God's Word. Best of all, God will smile on all of us together - when we obey we are Blessed, when we disobey we are cursed.

1 Corinthians 9:12b
God forbid that we withhold the Gospel of Christ from another who is starving and fainting. The Good News of Christ Jesus is the River of Life. May it flow freely from our innermost being. It makes the lame to walk and the blind to see. It opens prison doors sets the captives free.

1 Corinthians 14:21
Every good and perfect gift is from above! Speaking in other tongues is a sign to the believers and the unbelievers. It is evidence of Proof that Jesus rose from the dead and it edifies believers. Speaking in a Heavenly language is a supernatural aid or means of communicating with God. It brings the unruly tongue under God's control.

1 Corinthians 2:9
Everyone who is saved through Jesus Christ's atoning work is now an heir of God and Joint heir with Jesus. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. Everything that is His is ours and everything that is ours is His.

2 Corinthians 5:1
Life in our earthly house (our body) is a challenge. Our bodies are as frail as a bubble. In a twinkling of an eye, those who are saved by the Grace of God through Jesus will be 'Absent from the body and Present with The Lord' the second their life on earth has ended. We will enter thru the gates of pearls and walk on streets of gold overlooking a beautiful river and enjoying fruit from trees that bear fruit every month, not to mention eternal life with our Holy God.

2 Corinthians 5:10
Jesus Christ came to save sinners. When He comes again, He will curse sinners who refuse to obey 'The Gospel of His Grace', salvation from death. All have sinned and come short of His Glory. We confess Lord that we fall short of your Glory every day. We need Jesus Christ to be our Savior.

2 Corinthians 1:8-9
If we have any stability it must come through taking grace and strength from God and resisting evil. We are to Love God and Hate Evil. Lift your vision and walk with the One Who is God, the One Who is more than enough. HE is El Shaddai -The God of Plenty. The ALL Sufficient One…HE is God Almighty.

2 Corinthians 1:10
It is Jesus Christ in us, the Hope of Glory! Life runs at us as a flood, dangers are all around. We stand victorious in the genuine power of real faith. Jesus Christ in us - is all sufficient.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10
The more self sufficient we are and the more capable and qualified and knowledgeable, the less we will rely on The Lord. The more inadequate we are the much more we will have to rely on, depend on and trust in Him to work through us.

2 Corinthians 5:17
The shed Blood of Jesus, alone, makes us SAFE. The Word of God makes us SURE. The Testimony of The Holy Spirit makes us SECURE.

Galatians 2:20
The Old Man and the New Man explained, what does it mean to 'put off' and to 'put on'? The Crucified Life is explained in this study - blessings follow obedience.

Galatians 5:22
How is the Joy which God's gifts so much greater than what our minds see as joy? God actually offers 9 fruit of His Spirit, Joy being one of them. What are the benefits of having His Joy in our life?

Galatians 5:22-23
God's gift of Joy is that which the world knows nothing about. Are your smiles the result of the pure Joy which God gives?