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1 John 2:15
Love is a precious possession. We are not to love the world, nor the things of the world, nor the worldly system which is ruled by satan. We are to Love The Lord Our God with all of our Hearts, with all of our strength, with all of our might and, we are to love our neighbor as ourselves.

We are not our own. The Lord wants to use us to Bless the Lost, the Weak, the Sad, the Forsaken and Forgotten, and to Harvest Souls. The Lord is asking that your life no longer be Fruitless, Empty and Self-centered. Will you answer The Call of God and give Him your Body as well as your Soul?

Jude 24
The battle for Fundamental Truth once delivered to the saints is being blocked and bought by modernism, communism and atheism. Build Faith by Praying in The Holy Spirit, reading the Bible, and Winning Souls into the Kingdom of God - and the Lord God will present you faultless in righteousness before HIMSELF!

Jude 22-23
We are Pulled Out of Hell by the Great Atonement provided by Christ. This gives us a new nature, a new disposition, and changes our rebellion and love for sin into love for righteousness.

Revelation 3:14-20
Jesus warns about the danger of Lukewarmness in the Laodicean church. What are its signs and symptoms, and how can you avoid it?

This study lists the events that occurred in the beginning of time as recorded in Genesis, as well as the events that will occur in the end of time, as recorded in Revelation.

Revelation 19:7-9
Just as Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for his son Isaac, God sent the Holy Spirit to prepare a Bride - a Church without spot or wrinkle - for His Son, Jesus. The Bride must make herself ready by pursuing holiness, least she find herself unprepared when Christ, the Bridegroom, returns for her.

Revelation 19:7-8
The Church - the Bride of Christ - has the responsibility to make herself ready for the soon Return of her Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. Are you one of the wise virgins preparing for Jesus' Return, or will you be numbered with the foolish?


Revelation 19:7-9

Just as Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for his son Isaac, God sent the Holy Spirit to prepare a Bride - a Church without spot or wrinkle - for His Son, Jesus. The Bride must make herself ready by pursuing holiness, least she find herself unpre