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Matthew 5:17
Jesus came to fulfill the Law. The Law never made anything perfect.

Matthew 25:7
Grace and the Anointing are not transferrable!

Matthew 2:2
Have you received Jesus as your personal Savior?

Matthew 5:15
The Christian’s Light is supposed to be visible anywhere and everywhere at all times.

Mark 12:34
To be in Church is NOT to be in Christ. Unless a man is in Christ, he is lost.

Mark 11:12-14
Lord grant us the true gifts of the Spirit so our lives can count for God and benefit others.


Mark 14:54
When we fall short of God’s Glory, He teaches us the way to go and guides us with His eyes.

Mark 5:9
Jesus does not see us as others see us. He sees deeper and speaks to the satanic powers that oppress us. He anoints us with the Holy Spirit to heal the broken hearted and let those who are oppressed go free.

Mark 9:28
The devil came to steal, kill & destroy, but Jesus came that we may have life more abundantly.

Mark 8:34-37
As we follow the Golden Rule, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' - while denying self and proclaiming Christ, it is to our Profit and satan’s Loss.

Mark 2:3
Oh, that churches would be FULL GOSPEL, to heal the sick and save the lost. Our church invited people to be healed reading James 5:14-15 immediately after Worship and the altar would be full. Sin is the greatest sickness in the world and many were healed and forgiven at that time….according to THE WORD.

Mark 14:41
Be about the Master’s Business with a sincere willingness to do His Will in all things. The sleeping church is where the foolish virgins who found the door closed and missed The Rapture.

Luke 4:18
Deliverance is being set free, saved and liberated from anything simply by trusting the Lord God with all your heart.

Luke 16:26
Preachers and Teachers blow on the Rams Horn of Judgment as well as The Silver Trumpet of Grace. To disbelieve in Hell is to deny the truth of the scriptures in God’s Holy Word.

Luke 17:32
But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, for where your treasures are there will your heart be also. God hates carnal Christians who love the things of the world. Remember Lot’s wife, if you play with fire you are bound to be burned.

Luke 16:19-31
Jesus of Nazareth is saying 'COME UNTO ME'! For our souls to be saved, we need the Savior to atone for our sin and give us Victory over sin’s power. 'IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE, BUT ETERNITY IS IN IT'.

Luke 10:30
Sins of omission are more serious than the sins of commission and more common. Jesus said, what we have done for others we have done unto Him.

John 3:3
Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God. God will give you the capacity to pray, to repent and to desire to live righteous with the ability to trust Jesus. Bless and turn others to Christ.

John 3:5
It is not how but who – we must be born-again of the Spirit of God by the law of faith. God produces marvelous change in our heart, affections and desires full of Hope & Destiny.

John 13:35
A Christian is one whose heart cries for something more than creeds, Do’s and Don’ts. A Christian seeks for the manifestation of His Divine Love.