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Numbers 11:23
God is fully able to meet our needs, even in our wilderness experiences. He is looking for those with a grateful heart, not those with a spirit of murmuring and complaining.


Numbers 22:34
Although Balaam had the gift of prophecy, he was not fully committed to the Lord God, and ultimately misused his gift. He caused the Children of Israel to fall into sin so that God would curse them — something king Balak had bribed him to do. Unless we are fully committed to Christ, we, too, run the risk of being lured by the temptations of satan.


Numbers 32:23
Those in the church — whether preachers or congregants — who are not truly born again are like the Moabites, and are a constant source of trouble to God’s people. The story of Balaam and Balak is presented as such an example.


Deuteronomy 33:3, 12, 27
We can be comforted knowing we can always take shelter in the loving, everlasting Arms of God, no matter what we are going through, if we will choose to abide in Him.


Deuteronomy 18:15
The ACCURACY and also THE CERTAINTY OF PROPHECY is clearly evident in this detailed study of the life of the great prophet Moses leaving no doubt that this great prophet would be 'Like unto Moses' is none other than MESSIAH (Yeshua Ha-Mashiach). He is Jesus!


Judges 5:23
The Book of Judges details Israel’s failure to drive the Canaanites out of the land, causing them to fall into sin and idolatry. Likewise, indifference and idleness in the Church toward God’s Word has caused many to slip into sin and go down in defeat.


Judges 16:22
Jesus is the Good Shepherd, even if you have backslidden and gone astray due to willful disobedience. The Goodness of God leads to repentance, and He will restore the backslider who repents and comes back to Him.


Ruth 2:11-12
Ruth was a humble, hard-working woman who cared for her mother-in- law. Her beautiful spirit made her attractive to those around her, resulting in her marrying into the lineage of the Messiah. Much can be learned from her attitude and behavior.


Ruth 2:3-4
This study depicts how Boaz was a type of Christ — the Lord of the Harvest and Kinsman Redeemer of mankind, and the soon-to-be Bridegroom.


1 Samuel 16:12
God looks at the heart to determine who He will raise up to accomplish mighty deeds. David was one of those He had chosen. God is still looking for those who will not walk after the flesh, but in the power of the anointing.


2 Samuel 6:11

The Glory of God is His Presence which comes as we are consecrated to Him with clean hearts and souls lubricated with the oil of the Holy Spirit. Help us, Lord, to add to our faith, virtue and knowledge.

1 Kings 20:40
While individuals and families have suffered the heartbreaking consequences of sin, the Atoning work of Christ on the Cross has made provision for us to be restored to the Father. Not only has He provided for salvation, but He has also made provision for our daily needs.


1 Kings 20:40
Like others in biblical history, we can become so busy that we neglect that which is most important — maintaining a Divine perspective to be about the Father’s business. The price we pay is the loss of peace and God’s Presence, and — in some cases — a tragic ending.


1 Kings 17
The contest between Jehovah God and the false prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel was one of many that have occurred throughout the Ages where God has clearly shown He is God to an unbelieving world. Today He calls to those straddling the fence to trust Him as the One, True God while there is still time.


1 Kings 19:12
Making noise doesn’t produce the Power of God. It is when we are filled with the Spirit of God that we will be able to shout forth His praises.


2 Kings 5:15b
All of Naaman’s wealth and honor had nothing to do with healing him of Leprosy. The cure was simple faith and obedience. Naaman’s anger, rebellion and pride melted into humility, and when he obeyed God and dipped in the Jordan river 7 times he was healed.

1 Chronicles 29:17
God takes pleasure in giving redemption, prosperity, the Kingdom, and other pleasures to those that fear Him and walk uprightly, but takes no pleasure in the wicked, the fool, or the unrighteous. The life of Samson is given as an illustration.


Psalms 51:10
A Right Spirit is tender, broken, humble, loves righteousness and holiness and craves more purity. Revival is the outgrowth of this renewal. It produces saints and begets sons and daughters in the Kingdom. Is this your prayer? God will quickly answer it.


Psalms 103:1-22

We have been Blessed beyond measure in abundance in every area of our lives with an accumulation of wealth that has caused us to forget God, just like the Jewish people did during the Old Testament era. Lord, fill our hearts with Love, Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship every day.

Our sacred fires of Holiness do not burn every day but only intermittently as occasional flares. Then we cry out against sin but the fire dies down and we allow wrongs to become familiar. If we would share His holy fire, we must share in His Holiness.