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Ecclesiastes 12:7
We see that Samuel still had reason, memory, feeling, and emotions which are every test of consciousness. This is God’s witness speaking about a true believer in the Lord. The rich man could see, hear, and remember. He was as conscious in Hell as Samuel was in Paradise.

Song of Solomon 2:15
The devil is a roaring lion, sly as a fox, the father of lies, a real snake in the grass. Even when we are obeying the Law - The Ten Commandments - the little foxes can spoil the vines. We are the vines and our vines have tender grapes. Faithfulness in prayer and living His Word filled with HIS spirit brings the victory.

Isaiah 42-43
God chose a certain 'people' – small and imperfect – to be His 'demonstration' to the world. As the seed of Abraham, we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a Holy Nation, a peculiar people to bring forth the Praises of God. The Chosen People were brought out of darkness into His wonderful Light.

Isaiah 32:2
An accusing Conscience has driven many to alcohol, drugs and even suicide. There is no hiding place from an accusing conscience and the power of sin but JESUS CHRIST. Religion cannot save us from the power of sin now, nor the consequences of sin in the hereafter. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Isaiah 6:1-9
Isaiah was a man of moral character who served in the court of the king, but a vision of the King of Kings transformed his life and ministry.

Isaiah 34-35
God’s Word clearly tells us about the last days, the wrath to come upon those who refuse to believe, and the joy and blessings awaiting those who have made Him their Lord and Savior.  Those walking in the Way of Holiness need not fear His judgment, but can look forward to joy and gladness for all eternity.

Isaiah 55:1-2
This is a Christmas message about God’s greatest gift to mankind — the Lord Jesus Christ. Despite how the world chooses to celebrate it,  you’ll never look at Christmas the same again.

Isaiah 57:15
How humbling and marvelous to know that the God of this Universe has chosen to dwell within those who have a humble and contrite spirit.  Does this describe you?

Isaiah 1:1-31

Backslidding grieves God and provokes Him to anger. Learn the causes of and cures for this spiritually dangerous condition.

Isaiah 1:2, 4, 7
God had chosen Israel to be His Covenant People, but their rebellion resulted in Him mercifully sending the prophet Isaiah to warn them of impending judgment.   As then, so it is today: God’s willingness to pardon puts the blame of judgment upon us.

Isaiah 31:5
Long before airplanes were ever in existence, the prophet Isaiah saw into the future and the role they would play in fulfilling God’s promises. Learn how God used a Jewish chemist and airplanes to help His Chosen People regain control of the Holy City, Jerusalem.

Isaiah 55:11
John the Baptist was beheaded, and Stephen was murdered, yet both successfully fulfilled their earthly mission. Out of Stephen’s death came the Apostle Paul, the greatest preacher the world has seen since Christ left this earth. If a man is sent by Jehovah God, there is no such thing as failure.

Isaiah 52:13-15

Jesus Christ was the Righteous Servant of Jehovah God. He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities. Surely He bore our sorrow and by His stipes we are saved, healed and delivered.

Isaiah 46 - 48
This provides a list of questions on Isaiah, chapters 46 - 48, which can be used as the basis for a Bible Study or for the preparation of a sermon or teaching.  The theme of these chapters is: The Incomparable Power of God, The absurdity of Idols, Judgment on Babylon, and Controversy with Israel. 

Isaiah 58:13-14
The Bible clearly teaches that God commanded man to keep the Sabbath holy, but today, it has become common for man to profane the Sabbath.

Isaiah 53
Jesus of Nazareth is saying 'COME UNTO ME'! For our souls to be saved, we need the Savior to atone for our sin and give us Victory over sin’s power. 'IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE, BUT ETERNITY IS IN IT'.

Isaiah 45:11
God’s Word is powerful — He spoke the Word, and the world was created.  By the Word, men have been healed, delivered, and set free from bondages.  Is the Word dwelling in your heart so you can speak it forth, accomplishing God’s purposes?

Isaiah 9:6-7a
Jesus Christ fulfilled the long-awaited prophecy of a coming Messiah.  The Names given to Him in Isaiah 9:6 give us a glimpse of just how wonderful He truly is.

Isaiah 38-39
This provides a list of questions about Chapters 38 and 39 of Isaiah which can be used to develop a sermon, or with which to conduct a Bible study or personal reflection.

Isaiah 6:7b
We all feel discouraged or depressed at times, but don’t let your emotions keep you out of Church.  Isaiah felt that way, went anyhow, and had a life-changing encounter with God, seeing himself as he really is.  This sermon discusses God’s standard of righteousness and debunks the lies of the cults that have infiltrated the church and our society.